Saturday, June 23, 2012


I just came back from one but I still want one. Too much to ask for, some people said. But I guess this is what they call bit by the travel bug. LOL. But the real reason is, I really like to go out, see the sun, sky, clouds, the birds and the bees (literally). Back at home, due to security reasons, I can't go out much. Partly because I have limited spending funds here, but also I don't want my parents to worry when I to KL. Everyday at home, the computer is my best friend. Yeah best friend with no soul. At least when I travel, I have my travelling partners to talk about anything and everything on the earth. I realized that I am pretty scared of loneliness and having no one to talk to.Yeah very afraid to be exact. Although I am usually the follower when travelling, I am just happy (or sometimes angry) with people around me. *Sigh* Can't wait to plan and fly for my next trip.