This morning, as I was feeling bored studying, I went to TED's website and found this video. Well, her research definitely give pigs all around the world a whole new meaning to live.
Since the olden days, people always think that pigs are lazy and useless. Their lives revolve around eating, sleeping, reproducing, and getting slaughtered. Ermm, not that they don't now but hei look at the "pig guide book" Christien produced, they have some 130 industrial uses other than making hams, bacons, "bak kua" or "bak kut teh" :)

Ha...pigs, I hope that you guys are reading this (wahahaha, I'm going crazy) but let's appreciate pigs more after this right. Let's just don't think that they are for gourmet purposes only. They could be the core of all industries. Yeah pig, you are that important.
And they are such cute pets to rare (Only applied for teacup pigs). And yes I know I am a nerd :D
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