Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Marina Bay Sands. You took our S$50

So the almighty Marina Bay Sands, developed by Las Vegas Sands officially opened in June. But we were too busy to head over there and finally last Saturday, boyfriend decided to bring me on a date there. (Of course with his new baby-DSLR). So after morning work in the library, we took a bus and headed to Marina Bay and walked towards MBS. The weather clearly did not gave us a good sunny day for a visit. Boo..

Anyway, we went through their shoppes which is still under construction. So now what we can see is just this.
 Although it's still under construction, but I am sure that when they are fully open, this is another place for "tai-tai"s to shop for branded stuff. Oh and boyfriend and I were so lucky, because there was an advertisement shooting taking place right in front of our eyes. We couldn't really recognize who's the ambassador though.

Ambassador coming out from the shop
The director and cameraman
After having enough "sight-seeing" on the shooting set, we continued walking around and towards the main attraction of Marina Bay Sands.
No! Not the Skypark, the Casino! Yeah, I need to announce this but this is the second time that I actually entered a casino. And I would also need to announce that I play zero card games. Yes I'm card noob. But anyway, we visited the casino because we can still enter the place for free. For Singaporean/PR, they'll need to pay and entry levee of S$100. Inside the casino, saw slots machines, table games and a lot of uncle, aunties and tourists gambling their money away. Boyfriend was so tempted to gamble and me on the other hand was not. But, according to boyfriend, since we were there, we can't just walk around and do nothing. Yeah and so there we were, changing our money to chips. He started off with Blacjack (totally no idea how to play) and lost his bet. With one more chip in hand, I decided to try my luck on the 'big-small" game (which I also have no idea how to play) and we lost our last chip :(. WE'VE LOST S$50!!!!!! It's just not our day:(

Looking gloomy like the sky outside after losing S$50

I felt so so sad after losing that $S50. Oh dear, that was bad. Losing money for nothing. *Sigh*. After "grieving" for the lost money for 10 minutes, we continued exploring around the area. We wanted to go up to the skypark (the ship thingy that you see on top of the building is actually a garden) but well, we need some ticket to gain access.
 Since we had lost our money earlier, we decided to cancel the skypark visit plan and start camwhoring. "Photo-takin" therapy, you may call this. But it really helps.
There are actually a lot of attraction surrounding the Marina Bay Sands, including the Merlion opposite, which is near the Esplanade, which is also where the FI Night Race runs.
 So, I guess we were lucky again (not lucky for gambling though), as the FI was having their practice race. From where we were standing (outside MBS), we could here the zooming of each cars, the engines roaring. But of course we couldn't really see everything closely as everywhere was cordon off. But when we walk along the double helix bridge (it is really modelled against our DNA), black canvas blocking the view of public actually drapes down. And being all tall, we just need to tip-toe to get a glimpse of the track and of course the race itself. It's pretty exciting as I never see the race off TV before
If you can see, it is the Ferrari:D
The double-helix bridge modelled against DNA (they even have base pairings on the walkway and if you can see again at the sides, there are black canvas blocking the public from viewing into the race track).

After watching the race for two laps, we decided it was quite boring and continued camwhoring around the area.

The Singapore Flyer

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